Telephone set "MØØI OBØ5 (RTV)" of the German Reichspost

DesignIn-house design
Year of Draft 1900 onwards
ProductionSiemens & Halske
Antique black telephone with coat of arms, crank handle on the side and metal receiver fork.
DesignIn-house design
Year of Draft 1900 onwards
ProductionSiemens & Halske

Around 1900 there were many new telephone lines in the big cities. The Deutsche Reichspost was responsible for the telephone connections. The Deutsche Reichspost decided that all telephones should have the same shape.

The telephones looked like this telephone from Siemens & Halske. To make a connection to an operator, you had to turn the crank. The operator then forwarded the call and you could talk to someone on the phone.

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DesignIn-house design
Year of Draft 1900 onwards
ProductionSiemens & Halske
Place of productionBerlin, Germany GND
Inventory no.98/64

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