Nan-15 shelving system

On view at X-D-E-P-O-T
Shelf 12: Metal
DesignCohen, Nitzan GND
Year of Draft 2007 approx.
Year of Execution 2008
Productionnanoo by faserplast
Black, modular shelving unit with offset, wave-shaped design, on a light-coloured floor in front of a white wall.
DesignCohen, Nitzan GND
Year of Draft 2007 approx.
Year of Execution 2008
Productionnanoo by faserplast
  • Assembly instructions for the Nan-15 shelving system
    © Nitzan Cohen & nanoo by faserplast


DesignCohen, Nitzan GND
Year of Draft 2007 approx.
Year of Execution 2008
Productionnanoo by faserplast
Place of productionRickenbach, Switzerland
Inventory no.884/2020

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