Event period : Dauerhaft

The Color of Glass

Highlights of Die Neue Sammlung in its diversity and colorful splendor
Ausstellungsansicht, Die Farbe von Glas.
Photo: Die Neue Sammlung (K. Mewes)

About the Exhibition

Glass is very important for all of us.
But we rarely think about this material.
We are so used to glass
because it is everywhere in our daily lives.

Glass is a material that you can use for many different things.
Glass can also be a vessel,
for example a drinking glass.

Making glass is very complicated.
You must know a lot about the materials you need.
The most important material to make glass is quartz sand.
To make coloured glass, you add metals.
For example: iron for green glass or copper for red glass.

To make glass, you heat the materials
to a very high temperature.
The materials then melt together into a liquid.
When the liquid cools down,
it becomes solid.

There are different ways to shape the glass.
For example:
• Blow the liquid glass into a shape
• Press the liquid glass into a shape
• Form the liquid glass with the help of tools
For example with tweezers, wooden spoons or shears.
Shears look like scissors.

After the glass is finished, you can make it even more special.
This is called refinement.
For example:
• By painting the glass with special colours
• By engraving
Engraving means cutting or scratching something into the glass.
• By grinding with stone discs
• By etching with an acid
This removes the outer layer of glass.

In this new exhibition, Die Neue Sammlung shows
very special glass objects:
• Glasses for everyday use that factories make in large numbers
• Glass objects by artists
• Glass objects for buildings

The exhibition shows:
• how interesting coloured glass and colourless glass can be
• the skills that glass makers have
• the many different shapes that glass can have
• what you can use glass for

The design studio OHA in Munich
designed the room for the glass exhibition.
OHA combines design, art and artisan skills.

The exhibition also shows:
Die Neue Sammlung brings together different topics.
And it shows art from all over the world.

Plan a visit



  • Daily 10:00 – 18:00

  • Monday closed

  • Thursday 10:00 – 20:00

Bernard Heesen, Objects, 2022
Bernard Heesen, Objects, 2022.
Photo: Die Neue Sammlung (K. Mewes)
Ann Wolff, Domus I,
Ann Wolff, Domus I, 2006.
Photo: © Ann Wolff / VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2024, courtesy Alexander Tutsek-Stiftung, Pierre Wilén
Objekt Antares von Michele de Lucchi, 1982
Michele de Lucchi, Antares, 1983, Memphis.
Photo: Die Neue Sammlung (A. Laurenzo)
Object of glass by Ritsue Mishima
Ritsue Mishima, Ice Finger, 2021.
Photo: Francesco Barasciutti
Sebastian Herkner, Bell table, 2012
Sebastian Herkner, Bell table, 2012.
Photo: © Sebastian Herkner, ClassiCon, Die Neue Sammlung (K. Mewes)
Rechteckige Glasobjekte mit unterschiedlichen Öffnungen von
Stanislav Libenský und Jaroslavá Brychtová, Prostor I-III, 1991/92.
Photo: Die Neue Sammlung (A. Laurenzo)

Programme Tip

14th March 2025, 7 pm Exhibition opening:
Warwick Freeman. Hook Hand Heart Star

Warwick Freeman’s emblematic jewelry pursues meaning. Across five decades the New Zealand jeweller has built a lexicon of signs: from the cultural symbolism of the hook and the star to the heart redrawn in the volcanic scoria of Rangitoto island. When worn, his jewelry communicates something of who we are and how we have lived. Throughout his career Freeman has never tired of exploring what it means to make jewelry in Aotearoa New Zealand.

Porträt von Warwick Freeman
Warwick Freeman
© Photograph by Sam Hartnett, courtesy of Objectspace


A visit to the Pinakothek der Moderne costs
regular 10 Euro
reduced admission 7 Euro
Sunday admission 1 Euro

Children and young people under the age of 18 have free admission.
We cooperate with Kulturraum München.

You can buy a ticket at the ticket office on site or online. You can find more information on the Pinakothek der Moderne website.

You can find an overview of accessibility at the Pinakothek der Moderne on the Kultur barrierefrei München website.
The design museum also offers an inclusive touch station in the X-D-E-P-O-T, which everyone can explore independently.

We provide an overview of what is going on at Die Neue Sammlung under programme. You can find out everything about guided tours and group bookings on the Pinakothek der Moderne website.

  • Curated by:

    Angelika Nollert, Xenia Riemann-Tyroller, Josef Straßer

  • Supported by:

    PIN. Freunde der Pinakothek der Moderne e.V.

    Loans and donations:
    Alexander Tutsek-Stiftung
    Gustav van Treeck Werkstätten für Mosaik und Glasmalerei
    Thierry Boissel
    Lutz Holz