Werner Aisslinger. House of Wonders

July 22 2018 Workshop. Golden Joinery

Upcycling of a garment using golden joinery.
Photo: Golden Joinery


Sunday, 07/22/2018, 13:00

Repair a dear but broken garment with gold!
Materials such as gold threads from the "Golden Joinery" workshop lie in the centre of a table. Hands reach for the materials.
Workshop, Golden Joinery.
Photo: Golden Joinery


Touched by the Japanese Kintsugi technique, where broken porcelain is visibly healed with gold, Fashion collective Painted Series started to translate this gesture to fashion and presents it for the first time in Munich.
Kintsugi means golden joinery.

Instead of hiding the repair of your broken garment, it becomes an ornament. Celebrating imperfection, another layer is added to your garments. Questioning the monopoly of fashion labels and our throw-away mentality.
Value becomes a verb.

Participation fee: 25 Euro
The number of participants is limited.

Location: Loft Cube, Pinakothek der Moderne
Türkenstrasse 15, 80333 Munich
(Corner Gabelsbergerstrasse/Türkenstrasse)

Golden Joinery is a non-commercial, collaboratively developed clothing brand, initiated by Dutch fashion collective Painted Series (Saskia Drimmelen and Margreet Sweerts).

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