Designing for the Olympics

July 14 2022. Panel discussion: Design for the Olympics. Munich 1972 in context

Exhibition view, Designing for the Olympics, ground floor, 2022.
Photo: Die Neue Sammlung (K. Mewes)


Thursday, 07/14/2022, 18:30

In this panel discussion, contemporary witnesses and experts will discuss the concepts, ideas and courses of action that lay behind the design of the Olympic Games.

With Prof. Michael Burke, Chair of Design Theory and Design History at the Schule für Gestaltung Ravensburg; Markus Osterwalder, designer, curator and collector, Herisau; Karsten de Riese, photographer, near Munich.
Moderation: Prof. Dr. Christopher Young, literary scholar and sports historian, University of Cambridge

The 1972 Olympic Games stand out due to a comprehensive design concept, unique in its scope, that was developed under the direction of Otl Aicher. In this panel discussion, contemporary witnesses and experts will discuss the concepts, ideas and courses of action that lay behind the design of the Olympic Games.
Under what conditions was the visual identity created?
What significance did it have for the external impact and for the people who worked there?
And does the “corporate identity” of the Olympic Games in Munich still serve as a role model today?

Location: Ernst von Siemens-Auditorium, Pinakothek der Moderne
Free entrance, registration not required
In cooperation with MVHS


In the foreground a sprint shoe, in the background a racing wheelchair, a running prosthesis and other sports shoes for various Olympic disciplines.
Exhibition view, Designing for the Olympics, 2022.
Photo: Die Neue Sammlung – The Design Museum (K. Mewes)

Design for the Olympics

An exhibition on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the 1972 Olympic Games in Munich.
Die Neue Sammlung – The Design Museum is highlighting design trends at the Olympics and Paralympics: