Dorothea Prühl. Colliers / Necklaces

Catalogue of the Exhibition 2009
On a white background, an almost round circle slightly shifted from the centre to the right with irregular line thickness as if drawn by hand. Inscription above: Dorothea Prühl, below: Colliers Necklaces.
Cover of the exhibition catalogue, Dorothea Prühl. Colliers Necklaces, 2009.
Graphic design: Lutz Grumbach © Die Neue Sammlung

Title: Dorothea Prühl. Colliers / Necklaces
Publisher: Florian Hufnagl, Die Neue Sammlung – The International Design Museum
Authors: Florian Hufnagl, Renate Luckner-Bien
Place: Stuttgart
Year: 2009

Published by: arnoldsche Art Publishers
Graphic design: Lutz Grumbach
Format: 28,5 x 36 cm
Pages: 96
Images: 52 mainly coloured
Language: German and English

ISBN 978-3-89790-301-2
Price: 39,80 Euro

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