Vermelha armchair

Note: The following text refers to an object at a touch station in the X-D-E-P-O-T. It differs slightly from the original.
This square allows visitors to actually experience the surface of the Vermelha armchair. It can be found in Shelf 17. The chair consists of around 500 meters of red cotton cord that was looped onto a metal frame. What appears to be haphazard is in reality a well-designed structure. Thanks to the multiple overlaps the chair is very comfortable. The idea is the brainchild of Brazilian brothers Fernando and Humberto Campana. This three-legged chair is hand-made by a single worker at the manufacturers Edra. It takes about one working week to make the chair; the Italian firm has produced it since 1998.
edra, 2023© Edra. Photo: Die Neue Sammlung – The Design Museum (K. Mewes)
Photo: Die Neue Sammlung – The Design Museum (A. Laurenzo)
114650122Photo: Die Neue Sammlung – The Design Museum (A. Laurenzo)
Steel structure of the Vermelha armchair© Edra. Photo: Emilio Tremolada
Cotton acrylic rope of the Vermelha armchair© Edra
Vermelha armchair being knotted, detailed view© Edra
Vermelha armchair is woven© Edra