Travelling typewriter "Lettera 22"

DesignNizzoli, Marcello GND ULAN
Year of Draft 1950
ProductionOlivetti S.p.A.
Typewriter in a blue-grey housing with black round keys. The black keyboard has a red key on the right. At the top is the paper roller and the carriage return mechanism. The design is simple and functional.
DesignNizzoli, Marcello GND ULAN
Year of Draft 1950
ProductionOlivetti S.p.A.

The portable typewriter manufactured by Olivetti set a precedent as it was compact and light in weight. It could be stored for transport in a zipped, handy plastic container.

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DesignNizzoli, Marcello GND ULAN
Year of Draft 1950
ProductionOlivetti S.p.A.
Place of productionIvrea, Italy GND
Material / techniqueBlue-grey metal housing; blue-grey plastic container
ColourBlue, grey
Inventory no.174/90-N

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