Seesaw Schaukelplastik

On view at X-D-E-P-O-T
Shelf 8: Kid's World
DesignPapst, Walter GND
Year of Draft 1958
Year of Execution 1960s
DesignPapst, Walter GND
Year of Draft 1958
Year of Execution 1960s


DesignPapst, Walter GND
Year of Draft 1958
Year of Execution 1960s
Place of productionBad Münder, Germany
Size Height: max 52, seat height: 35.5, length: 88, width: 49 cm
Material / techniquePlastic (polyester, glass fibre reinforced), red, hand-laminated; plastic, white, black, transparent-green
ColourRed, White, Black
Inventory no.198/2008

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