Kiss me Goodbye armchair

On view at X-D-E-P-O-T
Shelf 13: Light and transparency
DesignYoshioka, Tokujin GND
Year of Draft 2004
ProductionDriade S.p.A.
Transparent chair with angular shape and armrests, frontal.
DesignYoshioka, Tokujin GND
Year of Draft 2004
ProductionDriade S.p.A.


DesignYoshioka, Tokujin GND
Year of Draft 2004
ProductionDriade S.p.A.
Place of productionFossadello di Caorso (PC), Italy
Material / techniquePlastic (polycarbonate), transparent, colourless
ColourTransparent, colourless
Inventory no.441/2008
AccessionDonation Driade S.p.A.

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