Flower Pot pendant light

On view at X-D-E-P-O-T
Shelf 13: Light and transparency
DesignPanton, Verner (1926-1998) GND ULAN
Year of Draft 1968
ProductionLouis Poulsen & Co. A/S
Blue pendant light with wave pattern and hemispherical design.
DesignPanton, Verner (1926-1998) GND ULAN
Year of Draft 1968
ProductionLouis Poulsen & Co. A/S


DesignPanton, Verner (1926-1998) GND ULAN
Year of Draft 1968
ProductionLouis Poulsen & Co. A/S
Place of productionCopenhagen, Denmark
Material / techniqueMetal, enamelled, blue, red, orange, red and white inside
ColourBlue, red, orange, white
GenreLighting fixtures
Inventory no.86/96-1a-c, 2a-c, 3a-c

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