Cordula luminaire

On view at X-D-E-P-O-T
Shelf 79: Lamps
DesignJasny, Stephanie
Year of Draft 2008
ProductionLigne Roset - Roset Möbel GmbH
DesignJasny, Stephanie
Year of Draft 2008
ProductionLigne Roset - Roset Möbel GmbH


DesignJasny, Stephanie
Year of Draft 2008
ProductionLigne Roset - Roset Möbel GmbH
Place of productionFreiburg, Germany
Material / techniqueMetal (aluminium), powder-coated white; yellow textile cable; plastic (PMMA), opal-coloured with yellow screen print.
ColourWhite, yellow
GenreLighting fixtures
Inventory no.557/2011
AccessionDonation Ligne Roset - Roset Möbel GmbH

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