About the Exhibition
The X-D-E-P-O-T is a place for making discoveries, for research, and experiences for all the senses. With over 600 objects from various decades and countries Die Neue Sammlung – The Design Museum showcases the great diversity of its collection here.
The architecture is characterized by floor-to-ceiling racks of shelving and a gallery. This second spatial level gives rise to numerous new perspectives. About 30 design themes are related to material, form or color as well as design categories, styles of certain periods or current debates. The vertical architectural elements separate the themes from one another. The topmost rack of shelving connects all the topics by way of groups of objects. The arrangement of the design objects is intended to encourage visitors to form their own associations.
The X-D-E-P-O-T will be open to the public and offers an array of new possibilities. Die Neue Sammlung is now able to exhibit its inventory on a larger and more comprehensive scale – and will do so in a very specific and original way. Like sequences of images, objects are brought together in constellations that visualize various different themes. These incorporate correlations of materials, shapes and colors, as well as design categories, styles from specific periods in time, and current discourse.
Visitors gain many an insight into both the history of the collection at the world’s oldest design museum and the questions of substance arising in modern and contemporary design.
Furthermore, the X-D-E-P-O-T also enables Die Neue Sammlung to intervene in current debates concerning the format of (design) museums. After all, museums – and design museums in particular – are no longer perceived as institutions that merely present their inventories in static form as a final result. Rather, they are now more focused on exploring the creation of architectures that permit varied semantics in relation to space, time, and narration.
In the X-D-E-P-O-T, the items exhibited and presented tell a different story, of their diversity, of the simultaneity of the non-simultaneous, of the process of an idea and its realization.
The X-D-E-P-O-T, combined with Die Neue Sammlung’s collection space and its temporary exhibitions, forms a new, visionary triad that redefines the understanding of the museum as an institution and its collections and exhibitions, as well as visitors’ observation, learning and involvement in them.
The total of 600 square meters is already set up in the second basement level of the west wing of the Pinakothek der Moderne and boasts direct access to the exhibition rooms of Die Neue Sammlung. Originally earmarked as a display depot, the space could not be opened with the Pinakothek der Moderne as planned and has instead to date been used as a museum warehouse.
Plan a visit
Barer Straße 40, 80333 Munich
Opening hours:
Daily 10:00 – 18:00
Monday closed
Thursday 10:00 – 20:00
Views of the Exhibition
X-D-E-P-O-T, objects for children, bent wood, carbon shelf, Die Neue Sammlung – The Design Museum Munich.Photo: Patrizia Hamm © VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2021
X-D-E-P-O-T, Design-Prozess Shelf, Die Neue Sammlung – The Design Museum Munich.Photo: Patrizia Hamm © VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2021
X-D-E-P-O-T, Shelf view, Die Neue Sammlung – The Design Museum Munich.Photo: Patrizia Hamm © VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2021
Installation view, inclusive touch station in the X-D-E-P-O-T, 2023.Photo: Die Neue Sammlung (K. Mewes)
Experience the X-D-E-P-O-T digitally:
X-plore: App X-D
Explore and discover the X-D-E-P-O-T with our app. Here you will not only find the location of the objects on the shelves, but also audio contributions:

X-tend: Virtual expansion with a 360° tour
The X-D-E-P-O-T is a space of discovery, exploration and experience. In this new multifunctional space Die Neue Sammlung – The Design Museum presents its collection more comprehensively and in a very specific and fundamentally new way. The objects are placed in constellations that visualise different themes such as recycling, carbon, the colour red, sport or protection.
In the X-D-E-P-O-T, there is no chronology, no geographical boundaries and no hierarchy. Objects of different times or different origins are presented together to enable new perspectives.
Concept/Virtual Tour: Konstantin Landuris Studio
X-perience: 12 short films
All objects in this new exhibition space are assigned to a theme, e.g. a material such as ceramics, a group of objects such as toasters or current topics such as protection.
On the basis of an object, the speaker explains interesting design-historical, creative or ecological aspects. In addition, the history of the Schaudepot but also the history of the development of the X-D-E-P-O-T in particular will be explained.
Realization: KATALOG Filmproduktion / Leo van Kann
X-press: An Instagram filter
“Which design am I?” – Experiment with our Instagram filter:
The Poster of the Exhibition

A visit to the Pinakothek der Moderne costs
regular 10 Euro
reduced admission 7 Euro
Sunday admission 1 Euro
Children and young people under the age of 18 have free admission.
We cooperate with Kulturraum München.
You can buy a ticket at the ticket office on site or online. You can find more information on the Pinakothek der Moderne website.
You can find an overview of accessibility at the Pinakothek der Moderne on the Kultur barrierefrei München website.
The design museum also offers an inclusive touch station in the X-D-E-P-O-T, which everyone can explore independently.
We provide an overview of what is going on at Die Neue Sammlung under programme. You can find out everything about guided tours and group bookings on the Pinakothek der Moderne website.
Curated by:
Caroline Fuchs, Petra Hölscher, Angelika Nollert, Rosa Carole Rodeck, Josef Straßer
Architecture: Kuehn Malvezzi
Idea and Concept: Angelika Nollert, Josef Straßer -
Supported by:
Stiftung Pinakothek der Moderne (main sponsor)
PIN. Freunde der Pinakothek der Moderne e.V.
DJE Kapital AG
Museumsstiftung zur Förderung der Staatlichen Bayerischen Museen
IKEA Stiftung