20 Years Pinakothek der Moderne – 21 Objects
About the Exhibition
On the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the Pinakothek der Moderne, which opened in 2002, Die Neue Sammlung – The Design Museum presents objects from the last 20 years.
Representative of each year is an object that addresses a development that has changed design or serves as the basis for current design movements.
This might be new manufacturing processes such as 3D printing, which has generated new forms. The Solid C2 chair by designer Patrick Jouin is one example of this – as one of the first fully 3D-printed pieces of furniture. Technical developments such as robotics have also increasingly influenced everyday life over the past two decades. This is exemplified by the AIBO ERS 210 entertainment robot, which imitates a dog and can react to its surroundings using touch sensors, a camera and microphones.
Increasing importance has also been given to ecological aspects such as sustainability and fair-trade in the last two decades. For instance, design studio Formafantasma developed vessels made of biomaterial and agricultural waste with its Autarchy series. Fairphone, in turn, pays attention to production processes and distribution channels that guarantee fairtrade.
Societal and social issues such as inclusion and diversity are also gaining more presence in recent years. This is reflected in the Go FlyEase accessible sneakers, which enable hands-free donning and doffing, and the Everybody is awesome Lego set that represents the LGBTQIA+ community with its different colors.
In some cases, designers featured technical and social developments. For example, the social robot AV1 Avatar enables children unable to attend school for extended periods to digitally participate in class and socially interact.
All the objects on show present a small cross-section of the phenomena of the last two decades, finding their innovative and relevant creative expression through the medium of design.
Besuch planen
Barer Straße 40,
80333 München
Geöffnet um:
Täglich 10:00 – 18:00
Montags geschlossen
Donnerstags 10:00 – 20:00

Curated by:
Rosa Carole Rodeck