September 16, 2018

Togetthere-Xperience 2018


Die Neue Sammlung



Reading Time

Togetthere-Xperience 2018, Pinakothek der Moderne.
Graphic/ Logo: Lone Nielsen, Blueout
The future-oriented day at Pinakothek der Moderne

The Pinakothek der Moderne is again inviting visitors to this year’s future-oriented day Togetthere-Xperience and is addressing the question:
‘How can the museum be more open to everyone?’

Trailer, Togetthere-Xperience. Der Zukunftstag in der Pinakothek der Moderne, 2018.
Video: Pinakothek der Moderne

Program of Die Neue Sammlung at Togetthere-Xperience:

Everyone is a Designer? Open call for homemade design objects

Wall in front of the type case, labeled with exhibition themes such as Sexualized, Formed, Disciplined.
Exhibition view, Friedrich von Borries. Politics of Design, Design of Politics, Die Neue Sammlung, 2018.
Photo: Anna Seibel

How can design contribute to society’s social and cultural development?

The exhibition
“Friedrich von Borries. Design of Politics. Politics of Design” analyzes these political aspects by twelve different interventions.

In the context of this exhibition Die Neue Sammlung is inviting amateur designers and DIY enthusiasts to bring their homemade objects to the museum and to juxtapose their objects with those of the museum. The participants had to register by sending max. 2 pictures of their homemade object and bring their design object to us on the day of Togetthere-Xperience. All registered participants will then jointly select those that will form an intervention in the permanent exhibition and will be on display for one year from the opening on November 29, 2018.

Participation is open to anyone who has designed something, with the exception of professional designers.

Beat the Design!

11:00-17:15 Sound lab and performance

Alexander Löwenstein transformed the Loftcube into a sound laboratory as a farewell event. Everyone could put together their own sound from the Neue Sammlung sound archive. Listen to the cool beats here:

Screenshot of the track "Jaguar Fotoapparat Carolaonkeys" by the user profile "beatthedesign" in the Soundcloud app. In the background, a person editing the track with an online program.
Sound lab “Beat the Design” on Soundcloud.
Photo: Falk Kagelmacher

The Pinakothek der Moderne would like to thank the sponsors:
Stiftung Pinakothek der Moderne,
PIN. Freunde der Pinakothek der Moderne e.V.,
Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Wissenschaft und Kunst, EY, Castringius Kinder & Jugend Stiftung München, Münchner Bank, Rischart, Strasser & Strasser, Conditorei Münchner Freiheit

and the Cooperation partners:
BISS Bürger in sozialen Schwierigkeiten and
Otto Falckenberg Schule

Concept and management:
Dietlinde Behncke and
Miro Craemer