May 23, 2022

Please take a seat! Matti Braun. Seat sculptures


Angelika Nollert



Reading Time

Matti Braun, Seat sculptures “Untitled”, 1995/1996/2000.
Photo: Die Neue Sammlung (K. Mewes)
Finnish pop design of the 60s meets Scandinavian “good people utopia”

Seat sculptures “Untitled”

Designer: Matti Braun (*1968 in Berlin, lives and works in Cologne)
Design: 1995/1996/2000
Material: Glass Reinforced Polyester

5 colourful seat sculptures in yellow, blue, orange, pink and red in front of the Setzkasten.
Matti Braun, Seat sculptures “Untitled”, 1995/1996/2000.
Photo: Die Neue Sammlung (K. Mewes)

The artist Matti Braun with German-Finnish descent became internationally known through his design of the “round table” for the World Economic Summit in Cologne in June 1999, where the heads of state of the most important industrial nations conducted their negotiations.

Again and again, Matti Braun develops commodities that move as unique pieces between art and design. In his work he deals with cultural-historical and political issues, with the symbolic meaning of things and their cultural context.

His colorful seat sculptures deliberately quote Eero Aarnio’s Finnish pop design of the 1960s, while at the same time staging the Scandinavian “good people utopia” (Matti Braun) in furniture design as an expression of a particularly humane, idealistic way of thinking and critically assessing it from today’s perspective questioning.

The seat sculptures will be in front of the letter case until June 6, 2022 and then in the X-D-E-P-O-T.

Donated by
MEAG Munich ERGO Asset Management GmbH.

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Foto: Die Neue Sammlung (K. Mewes)